July 07: Cruising the Med

Am I lucky? Yes, I'm lucky to have friends in Europe, among other things. Here's a taste of a month well spent in Italy and Croatia with some of my favorite people and some great new friends. (Travel advisory: don't go to Croatia. You'll hate it. It's ugly. It's expensive. The water is cold. The people are hideous and the food is terrible.)

Hideous. Tawdry. Don't go.

Truly, truly unpleasant.

Rude people will spit at you.

Strange foreign women will coerce you into joining them in totally inappropriate dances. The local wildlife is NOT friendly.

Team Hvar 2007: Here I am with Italian mafiosi and Catalan chicas on the island of Hvar, at a hipster nightclub called "Carpe Diem." Do you think we're taking that phrase to heart?